The Global Symbol of Excellence in Financial Planning
The CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ credential is the most desired and respected global certification for those seeking to demonstrate their commitment to competent and ethical financial planning practice.
CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professionals meet initial and ongoing education, experience and professional development requirements, pass a rigorous exam that assesses competency, and adhere to a code of ethics, pledging to provide financial planning in the interests of clients and with the highest ethical and professional standards.

By completing internationally recognized initial and ongoing CFP® certification requirements, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professional demonstrates to clients and potential clients a commitment to professionalism and that she or he has met rigorous competency, ethics and professional practice standards to provide comprehensive financial planning services. CFP® Certification benefits a variety of individuals and groups, including:

The Public
Consumers rely on the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER marks to help them identify competent, ethical financial planners who have committed to placing their clients’ interests first.

Financial planners and financial advisers value CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER certification, with many saying they were able to increase both their compensation and client base within 12 months of becoming certified with the CFP® marks.

The Public
Financial services firms value CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER professionals for their contributions to productivity and profitability, as well as for lowering firms’ compliance risks and increasing client satisfaction.