PA Community Spirit (PACS) Awards 2020
19 October 2021

Financial Planning Association of Singapore (FPAS) is honoured to be awarded the PA Community Spirit (PACS) Awards 2020 – Community Partnership Excellence Award! This award is presented to honour exemplary strategic partners who had worked alongside People’s Association (PA) in bonding the community and building social capital.
This award is a recognition of on-going collaborations such as a series of Financial Literacy Talks to help self-employed trainers have a better understanding of their financial roadmap. This year, we have 4 talks from our CFP® Professionals to share their financial knowledge on various topics with the trainers. We have also invited GoalsMapper to share their consumer platform to the audience on how to plan and understand their journey so that they can reach their financial goals.
FPAS was also part of the Project We Care Adopt-A-Family initiative that aimed to positively impact lives of needy families holistically. A household’s needs are identified, and corporate volunteers can then provide customised support in the form of cash or in-kind sponsorships. In 2020 and 2021, FPAS was able to provide the families with emotional, grocery, medical, and home furnishing support. We also established a closer relationship with the dependants.
We hope to continue to strengthen this partnership and our commitment to foster an industry to provide unbiased financial advice to the Singaporean.
Click here to watch a short video on the PA Community Spirit Awards 2020.